Green jobs and greening jobs
Kategorie: Umwelt & Klima
Regionen und Städte auf einen Blick 2024
6. Dezember 2024Regions and Cities at a Glance
Moving towards sustainable OECD Economies – a Dialogue between Austria and Denmark
7. November 2024Opportunities and challenges for a more sustainable future from the perspective of Denmark and Austria
OECD Review of G7 Government-led Voluntary and Mandatory Due Diligence Measures for Sustainable Agri-food Supply Chains
25. Januar 2024Which guidelines are in place to ensure responsible business conduct in the agricultural sector? This webinar gives you a comparative overview for G7 countries.
Policies towards Green Transition for Germany and Europe
30. November 2023The EU’s Green Deal aiming to reach Net Zero by 2050 requires massive emissions reductions today, entailing significant economic and social costs. How does proper policy design ensure a smooth transition, safeguarding competitiveness and social cohesion?
Labour Market and Social Implications of the Green Transition
7. November 2023Workers in polluting industries often have particularly long and significant income losses when losing their jobs. Our panel discussed how labour market policy measures can help to reduce scarring effects for workers losing jobs and support the green transition.